
116 3A. Sprint Service: The Basics
Play all new to playback all new (unlistened)
voicemail messages.
Undelivered to display a list of currently
undelivered outgoing voicemail messages.
Delete to delete selected messages from your
current list of available voicemail messages.
Settings to configure your Voicemail application
To access a Voicemail message’s options:
1. Press and tap .
2. Tap an onscreen voicemail message and press
and select from the following:
Lock/Unlock to prevent deletion of the selected
voicemail message.
Text message to create and deliver a new text
message to the current sender’s phone number.
Reply to reply to current voicemail. You can then
reply to the sender or forward it to anyone with
either an email or phone number. This allows you
to send this voicemail message to several
recipients at the same time.
Forward to forward the current voicemail to
another recipient.
Configuring Voicemail Settings
1. Press and tap .
2. Press and tap Settings. From the Settings
menu, you can:
Tap Speakerphone to automatically activate when
you review your Visual Voicemail (page 116).
Tap Change greeting to adjust your voicemail
greeting (page 117).
Tap From name to enter a name or number that is
attached to your outgoing voicemails as part of
an identification string (page 117).
Tap Check for upgrade to search for an upgrade
to your Visual message software.
Automatically Enabling the Speakerphone
Every time you access a selected message from your
Visual Voicemail list, you can configure the device to
automatically launch the built-in speakerphone so that
you can clearly hear the message.
SPH-M900.book Page 116 Thursday, October 29, 2009 3:51 PM