Digital Video Recorder User Guide
Digital Video Recorder User Guide
Chapter 8. Working with Events
Working with the Normal Event Source Submenu
Setting Up E-Mail for Event Action
S stands for sensor.
V stands for Video.
Figure 8.2.3 Normal Event Source submenu on the Event Submenu
Figure 8.2.4 Email Setup submenu
Option Setting
Email Address
Enter the e-mail address of the person receiving the notification. Use only Roman
alphabet letters and numbers, in the format is xxxx@xxxxxx.xxx.
Sender Address
Enter an email address that identifies the DVR as the sender of the notification.
This field is optional: If you use it, the format is xxxx@xxxxxx.xxx.
Including Pictures
For a Normal event, the system sends an e-mail with an image of the event
channel as well as event information including the sensor, movement detection,
and object disappearance.
For a System event, the system sends only event information.
Server Enter an SMTP server to send email.
Authentication Select a server, and then set to Use.
ID If Authentication is set to Use, enter your ID for the SMTP server.
Password If Authentication is set to Use, enter the password for the ID entered above.
Option Setting
(Motion Detection)
Enables each channel or all channels to detect motion and notify users. Select one
specific channel or set to All.
Sensitivity Set to Lowest, 1~10, Highest or Off.
Figure 8.3.1Normal Event submenu on the Event Setup Menu
8. 3 Working with Normal Events