Install Manual
Trouble Shooting
1. DVR does not boot
z Check power
z Check power cord
2. Monitor does not display camera video
z Check monitor power
z Check cable between the monitor and DVR
z Check monitor cable port
z Check that DVR power is on
3. Some channels do not display images
z Check camera power
z Check camera video input
z Check DVR video input port
z Check whether the Screen > Activity option is on/off
z Check the Monitor > Covert option for privacy settings
4. DVR does not record
z Check Disk Manager to see that the HDD is installed
z Check the Record settings
5. DVR does not playback
z Check the Record settings
z Check for button activation
6. Video is overly bright / dark
z Check the camera settings
z Check that video and power cables are properly plugged in
z Check brightness and contrast settings under the “Screen” menu
7. Remote controller does not work
z Check the Remote controller battery
z Check the Remote controller ID
z Check Remote controller usage specifications