Messaging 43
This menu helps you access your voice mailbox, if provided by
your network. You can also setup Voicemail from this menu.
1. From Home screen, press Menu (LSK) ➔ Messaging ➔
2. At the prompt, press
(LSK), if you want to set up your
Voicemail, or
(RSK) to reject VVM.
3. Select
again from the Messaging menu.
4. Press Options (LSK) to access the following application
• Voicemail settings
: allows you to record a greeting, change your
PIN, or activate the voicemail feature.
• Call voicemail
: dials the voice mailbox.
•Sync now
: synchronizes with the voicemail inbox and displays
recent voicemail messages.
– or –
Highlight a listed voicemail message and press Options
(LSK) to access the following voicemail message options:
allows you to call or send message to sender.
• Delete
deletes the selected or multiple voicemail messages.
•Forward via
: allows you to forward via Message or Email.
• Save in contacts
: allows you to save number to Contacts.
•Copy to
: allows you to copy voice sound to phone or memory card.
•Sort by
: allows you to sort the voicemail inbox by Date, Sender, Played, or
• Voicemail settings
: allows you to record a greeting, change your
PIN, or activate the voicemail feature.
• Call voicemail
: dials the voice mailbox.
•Sync now
: synchronizes with the voicemail inbox and displays
recent voicemail messages.
Voicemail settings
1. From Home screen, press Menu (LSK) ➔ Messaging ➔
You must have previously activated your account to use this
2. Press
(LSK) ➔
Voicemail settings
3. Select
Record greeting
Change PIN
, or
Deactivate now
t259_Sienna.book Page 43 Wednesday, January 19, 2011 11:30 AM