
Techniky z‡znamu
Tato funkce pracuje pouze v reìimu Camera.
O protisvžtle (Back Lighning) hovoÞ’me v
pÞ’padech, kdy je filmovù objekt tmavä’ neì
Ð objekt je um’stžn pÞed oknem.
Ð filmovan‡ osoba je v b’lŽm nebo ve velmi
svžtlŽm obleku a je um’stžna proti jasnŽmu
pozad’; obli‹ej je pÞ’liä tmavù na to, aby se
daly rozeznat jeho rysy.
Ð objekt je venku a pozad’ tvoÞ’ zataìen‡ obloha.
Ð osvžtlen’ je pÞ’liä silnŽ.
Ð objekt je proti snžìnŽmu pozad’.
1. Nastavte pÞep’na‹ na reìim Camera.
2. Stisknžte tla‹’tko XDR/BLC.
Normal Ð XDR Ð BLC Ð Normal (VP-D65)
Normal Ð BLC Ð Normal (VP-D55/D60)
XDR zvùrazn’ objekt i pozad’
BLC zvùrazn’ pouze objekt
Advanced Recording
XDR(VP-D65 only)/BLC
XDR or BLC works in CAMERA mode.
Back lighting exists when the subject is darker than
the background:
- The subject is placed in front of a window.
- The person to be shot is wearing white or shiny
clothes and is placed against a bright
background; the person’s face is too dark to
distinguish their features.
- The subject is in the outdoors and the
background is overcast.
- The light sources are too bright.
- The subject is against a snowy background.
1. Set power switch to CAMERA mode.
2. Press XDR/BLC button.
Normal - XDR - BLC - Normal(VP-D65)
Normal - BLC - Normal (VP-D55/D60)
XDR enhances the subject and background.
BLC enhances only the subject.
* XDR or BLC on
* XDR or BLC off
4. Turn MF dial up or down until the object is focused.
- You can get a sharp picture after zooming out.
5. To return to AF(Auto Focus), press MF button again.
XDR (pouze u VP-D65)/BLC
4. Ot‡‹ejte voli‹em MF nahoru nebo doló tak
dlouho, aì je pÞedmžt zaostÞen.
Ð OstrŽho obrazu dos‡hnete i tehdy,
pouìijete-li funkci Zoom Out.
5. K n‡vratu na funkci AF stisknžte znovu
tla‹’tko MF.