
Cleaning Accessories
Slip the circular end of an accessory tool onto the end of the
hose handle and twist slightly to secure. If ad di tion al reach
is needed, place a wand on the hose handle fi rst.
Crevice Tool
Dusting Brush
Crevice Tool
: For crevices, corners, baseboards, be tween
Upholstery Nozzle
: For curtains, drap er ies, cushions,
Dusting Brush
: For furniture, blinds, books, lamp shades,
Bare Floor Brush
For any type of hard surface fl oor.
*May be purchased separately.
*Bare Floor Brush
(op tion al)
Telescoping Wand
To adjust the length of the telescoping wand, hold the wand
ad just ment collar in one hand while pulling or pushing the
wand with the other hand until you have the de sired length.
Wand Ad just ment Collar
Wand Ad just ment Collar
The instructions given in this booklet serve as a guide to
routine main te nance. To avoid unnecessary service calls,
check the hose, bag and fi lter often. Clear a clogged hose
with the blower, change the bag if it is full, and clean the
motor fi lter when it is dirty.
Disposable Dust Bags and Filters
The dust bag and mo tor fi l ter play a very im por tant roll in
the ef cien cy of the vac u um clean er. The pur pose of the
dust bag is to trap dirt, but at the same time, the paper
bag must be porous enough to allow air to pass through.
If the bag or the motor fi lter be come clogged, no air can
pass through the clean er and no clean ing can take place
re gard less of how powerful the unit is. To keep the clean er
operating at max i mum ef cien cy, change the dust bag fre-
quent ly and clean the fi lter as need ed. Some fi ne par ti cles
can re strict air ow very quick ly and will decrease per for -
mance even be fore the bag ap pears to be full. For that
reason, when vac u um ing carpet fresh en ers or clean ers,
powder, plas ter dust, or similar fi ne sub stanc es, the bag
and fi lter may need to be changed more often.
Disposable Dust Bag –
Style MM, PN 60296A
Our high fi ltration bag is a two-layer, disposable bag that
combines our stan dard paper bag with a nonwoven air
lter inside. Use a Filteraire dust bag to create a cleaner
indoor environment because the bag fi lters better than our
standard bag. The bags are available (three in a package)
from your local dealer, or you can call 1-800-282-2886 for
other locations. Look for the Gen u ine Eureka Fil ter aire dust
bag–Style MM.
Look for the symbol.
Look for the symbol.
Look for the symbol.
Look for the symbol.
Look for the symbol.
Look for the symbol.
How to Remove Disposable Dust Bags –
Style MM, PN 60295A
CAUTION: Turn off vacuum and unplug the electrical
cord before changing dust bag or cleaning
motor filter. Never operate the vacuum
clean er without the dust bag or fi lter.
Turn off and unplug cleaner.
Open lid by pushing down hood latch.