HOST <enter>
The Host Software will then start up in Network Monitoring Mode (see below).
When the Format 550 Host software is executed, it scans the network for a Format 550
controller which is switched on and connected to the Host and enters Network
Monitoring Mode.
In this mode, the condition of up to 8 Format 550 Controllers may be seen on the screen
of the Host PC. If there are no Controllers on the network (e.g. Host PC off-line), the
condition panels are blank.
Underneath each condition display panel is the serial number. Underneath one of the
condition panels is a flashing cursor. The arrow keys may be used to move this between
With the cursor on the serial number of the connected Controller (any if off-line), press
[ENTER] to enter the main menu for the selected controller.
Press [Esc] from the main menu to cause the Host software to return to Network
Monitoring mode.
Press [Esc] from the Network Monitoring screen to exit the Host system and return to
Pressing Esc from the main menu causes the Host software to go back to network
monitoring mode.
The MAIN MENU options are as follows:
Steady state control
Program (downloading/uploading)
- Logging
This option brings up a window which is identical to the Steady State Control window
on the controller
The condition and digital channels can be entered exactly as on
the controller. While this window is being displayed on the Host, the "Access" window
on the controller contains the message "Remote", indicating that the Host temporarily
has control, and that the chamber keypad is temporarily barred. Any attempt to select
brings up a message "Access Denied - Host has Priority".
If Steady State Control is selected on the Host whilst the controller is in any of the
following modes, a message will be displayed stating "Access Denied - Controller has
Press [Esc] to pass control back to the main menu.
Steady State Control (entering setpoints)
Run Program (entering program run options)