English 211
Data format
Communication protocol
A proprietary Sanyo protocol (SSP: Security Serial Protocol)
is used. Use of a special controller for operation is
recommended. To obtain this controller, contact a Sanyo
service center.
Data format
Communication protocol
Communications performed in 1-bit units. The PC sends 1 bit,
waits for a response from the digital video recorder and then
sends the next bit.
Command table (JP.212)
RS-485 specifications
Mode Asynchronous
Character length 8 bits
Data transmission
2,400, 4,800, 9,600, 19,200 bps
Parity check None
Stop bit 1 bit
RS-232C specifications
Mode Asynchronous
Character length 8 bits
Data transmission
2,400, 4,800, 9,600, 19,200 bps
Parity check None
Stop bit 1 bit
e00_l8hbd_xe_7.book Page 211 Tuesday, April 5, 2005 11:41 AM