Controlling the Projector
Save Actual Adjustment
This function is to save and load the control values of the projector. The
storable control items are Input, PC, System, Image and Screen controls,
and these control items differ from each selected input mode and functions
of the projector you use.
1 Adjust and set the controls
Set the controls properly
according to the selected
source. (see pages 36-40 for
further adjustment)
2 Display the current setting
Click the Save icon from the
control menu. The current set-
ting information is displayed
on the page at the right.
3 Name the current setting
Scroll down and display the
item Save Adjustment. Select
your desired set number
(set1~ set10) with the pull
down menu button. Name this
set number like "DVD Player
No.3" onto the Memo text
4 Save the current setting
Press the Save button to store
the current setting and name
into the selected set number.
✐ You can store up to 10 sets of controls.