
Standard Schlage Product Terms and Conditions
Price Book 70A
Effective July 28, 2008
Order Changes or Cancellations:
Type of Product
• Stock Products
Normal Factory
Extended Factory
Type of Change QuicKey Lead Time Items Lead Time Items
1. Change to: OK within first 5-days OK within first 10-days
from receipt of order. from receipt of order.
Product, creating a
different SKU number Not Accepted If after 5-days, item must If after 10-days, item must
be deleted from order be deleted from order
(see 3, 25% handling (see 3, 50% handling
charge will apply) and charge will apply) and
entered as a new order entered as a new order
(see 2). (see 2).
2. Change to: New order with normal lead-time must be generated for
additions. Same terms & conditions will be applied if
Increase quantity of Not Accepted requested so long as the original order has not been
existing item(s) shipped.
Additions received after the original order ships must be
Add new item(s) entered as a new order and will stand-alone for lead-time
terms & conditions.
3. Change to: OK within first 5-days OK within first 10-days
Delete item(s)
from receipt of order. from receipt of order.
Not Accepted If after 5-days, subject to If after 10-days, subject to
Reduce quantity of handling charge of 25% of handling charge of 50% of
existing item(s) the net price of the deleted the net price of the deleted
item(s).** item(s).**
Cancel order
Notes: 1) Change orders must be faxed to Customer Service @ (800) 452-0665. Please prominently mark fax as a change order
request. For questions call (800) 847-1864.
2) Customer Service will acknowledge receipt of change orders and action taken.
3) Change orders resulting in handling charges require customer review prior to change being made.
4) Changes to Stock Products can be made if the product is out of stock.
* Includes any change to key symbol, door identification and/or cylinder pinning.
** Handling charges are billed on the original order.
For the following:
Orders exclusively for Stock Products submitted in either
of these formats:
On customer purchase orders using eligible SKU
numbers and prominently marked on the order as
"Stock Products"
On Stock Products order forms MS-1500.1 and MS-1500.2
Non-Master Keyed orders
Master Keyed orders
Non-Master Keyed orders prominently marked on the
order to "Ship Complete"
Expect this delivery:
Will ship within 10 business days of receipt of order
provided the account is in good credit standing at the time the
purchase order is entered at Schlage.
Order must be received by 6:00 p.m. EST (excluding weekends
and holidays) to be processed on the same business day.
All orders will be acknowledged with scheduled ship dates. Specific scheduled ship dates are not guaranteed by Schlage because of the
nature of product, labor, availability of product or manufacturing conditions that might be beyond our control. Schlage will not be liable
for back charges incurred based on availability of product in accordance with acknowledged ship dates. Stock Products that are tem-
porarily out of inventory will be back-ordered. Selected Stock Products are available to specific channels of distribution for 1 and 5-day
delivery through the
Ingersoll Rand
Fast Track Program. The
Ingersoll Rand
Fast Track Program is subject to separate terms and
Stock Products will automatically split off the order and ship
within 15 business days of receipt of order provided the account
is in good credit standing at the time the purchase order is
entered at Schlage.
Factory items will individually be assigned ship dates based on
current lead times.
The entire order will be assigned ship dates grouped by
factory location. Items with longest current lead times determine
ship date for other items from that location.