IR Security & Safety
575 Birch St., Forestville, Connecticut 06010 / (860) 584-9158 / (860) 584-2136 fax
P/N: M053-016-A http://www.irsupport.net Page 5 of 15
1.2 Panel Interface Module-RS485-NexSentry (PIM-485-16-TD-NXT)
The Panel Interface Module-RS485-NexSentry (PIM-485-16-TD-NXT) is a product in Schlage’s
Wyreless Panel Interface Module (WPIM) category. The PIM-485-16-TD-NXT is the wireless interface
to a NexSentry Star I or Star II Access Control Unit (Figure 1-2).
Figure 1-2 – PIM-485-16-TD-NXT Block Diagram
Up to 16 (8 for a Star I) PIM-485-16-TD-NXT can be connected via a 2 wire polled, RS-485 interface to
a Star I/II.
Each PIM-485-16-TD-NXT can emulate up to 16 DR42xx DigiReaders, therefore a PIM-485-xx-NEX
can control from 1 to 16 WAPM’s (1 to 8 for a Star I).
The Schlage Configuration & Demonstration Tool (CDT) is used to determine what RS-485 polling
addresses each PIM-485-16-TD-NXT will emulate.
NOTE: This manual is to be used in addition to the PIM Installation Manual (M053-001-xxx) and
the Wyreless Access System Configuring and Operating Manual (M053-007-xxx).
There are four steps to installing a PIM-485-16-TD-NXT:
1. Using the PIM Installation manual (M053-001-xxx) determine the optimum PIM-485-16-TD-NXT
mounting location and permanently mount the PIM-485-16-TD-NXT in that location.
2. Using the NexSentry Star Access Control Unit User Guide manual (6600062B) for a Star I or the
NexSentry Star II Access Control Unit User Guide manual (6600058A) for a Star II, mount the Star
I/II Access Control Unit and connect it to the PC that will be running either a terminal emulator (Star
I) or the NexSentry software (Star II)
Note: Make certain that that Star I/II Terminal Block TB1 is configured for the S-NET
communication protocol.
3. Using this manual configure & connect the PIM-485-16-TD-NXT to the Star I/II Access Control
Unit (section 2.1, page 8).
4. Using this manual, link the PIM-485-16-TD-NXT to all the WAPMs it will control (section 2.3, page