Modbus services
S1A53844 01/2011 41
Error response
An error response is returned by the Altivar 212 when it is unable to perform the request.
Format of an error response:
Function code: request code + H’80.
Exception code:
Function code Exception code CRC16
Lo Hi
1 byte 1 byte 1 byte 2 bytes
Exception Code Description
01 Unknown function:
The function code received in the query is not an allowable action for the drive.
- The function is not supported by the drive error.
- Function code 43 but MEI Type not equal: to 14.
02 Illegal data address:The data address received in the query is not an allowable address for the drive.
- Modbus address is not supported.
- Request to write a read only parameter.
03 Illegal data value:
A value contained in the query data field is not an allowable value for the drive.
- Data range not allowed.
- Fixed data not allowed.
- Function code 43 and MEI Type 14 but invalid Read Device ID Code (Read Dev ID code > 3).
04 Unable to execute:
The request commands an operation that the Altivar 212 is not able to execute due to another task or
- Request to write in a parameter that cannot be changed during running.
- Request to write during executing "tyP" (return to factory setting ...).
- Interruption occurs during writing data.