LD Language Elements
SR2MAN01 11/2007
Use as a Contact An output can be used as an auxiliary contact as many times as necessary.
This contact may use the direct state of the output (normally open mode) or its
inverse state (normally closed mode), see below.
Normally open mode:
Symbol of a Discrete output, used as a contact in normally open mode:
An output used as a normally open auxiliary contact corresponds to the use of the
direct state of the output. If it is powered, the contact is said to be conducting.
Normally closed mode:
Symbol of a Discrete output, used as a contact in normally closed mode:
An output used as a normally closed auxiliary contact corresponds to the use of
the reverse state (logical complement of the direct state) of the output. If it is
powered, the contact is said to be non-conducting.
Modifying the
Mode of a Coil or
a Contact
To modify the operating mode of a coil or a contact from the front panel of the smart
relay (the programming window displayed on screen), simply:
z Position the mouse on the symbol representing the coil output mode or on the
letter of the contact representing the output,
z Proceed as indicated in the paragraph Modifying an element,, p. 44, to scroll
through the possible modes for coils or contact types possible (Q for normally
open contact, q for a normally closed contact).
Initialization Status of contacts on program initialization:
z Normally open mode (direct state) is inactive,
z Normally closed mode (reverse state) is active.
Latching By default, after a power failure, the relay is in the state that corresponds to program
Activate latching to restore the state of the output backed up during power loss:
z From the front panel: from the PARAMETERS (see PARAMETERS Menu, p. 51)
z In the programming software: Enable the Latching option in the parameters
window associated with the output.