Pausing or Stopping
The Console will go into Pause Mode if the user pushes STOP during a workout, or there is no
and after 4 seconds the current workout data starts to scroll automatically (the same format as
Results Mode). You can use the Increase/Decrease buttons to move through the results manually.
1. Push the STOP button to pause your workout.
2. To continue your workout, push START/ENTER or start pedaling.
To stop the workout, push the STOP button. The Console will go into Results / Cool Down
User Statistics
Each User Profile stores the statistics from all workout data recorded for that user in three capaci-
ties - Last Workout, Averages, and Totals.
at zero.
• Total number of workouts—maximumis9999.
• Total hours—maximumis999:59(999hours,59minutes).
• Average speed—mph or km (per units in setup)
• Total distance—maximumis9999.9.
• Total calories—maximumis999999.
The Statistics option in the User profile menu lets you look at the recorded data or delete it.
1. Push the Schwinn Advantage
button at the Power-Up Mode screen. The Console display
shows the User Profiles.
2. Use the Increase() and Decrease() buttons to select a User profile, and push START/EN-
TER to make your selection.
3. AfteryouselecttheUserprofileoption,youhavetwooptions:VIEWSTATSandWORKOUT.
Use the Increase() and Decrease() buttons to go to the Statistics option, and push START/
ENTER to make your selection.
4. TheConsoledisplayshowstheUserStatisticsmenuoptions—LASTWORKOUT,AVERAGES
and TOTALS. Use the Increase/Decrease buttons to move between the menu options, and
push START/ENTER to make your selection.
5. Use the Increase/Decrease buttons to move between the values, or after a few seconds the
workout statistics start to scroll automatically. You can use the Increase/Decrease buttons to