717865 Rev B IPG User’s Guide 9
Introduction to the IPG, Continued
Getting to the Guide
Press the GUIDE key on the remote control to access the Interactive Program
Guide main screen as shown in the following illustration. The guide
information appears 2 hours ahead with the program on the first channel in the
lineup highlighted.
Parts of the Guide
The following list describes the parts of the guide.
· The program you are watching is reduced to fit in the upper right area of your screen.
The program remains there while you are using the main functions of the guide.
· The Current Information banner under the picture provides the current date, time, and channel.
Note: Your cable service provider may not display the banner with this information.
· The Channel Banner provides a description for each program you highlight in the
main program list.
· The Navigation Bar contains a Browse By feature that allows searching for programs
by channel, theme, or title.
· The Main Program listing displays the programs that will be broadcast.
Highlighting Your Program in the Guide
Press the C key to highlight the program you are watching in the guide.
Program you
are watching
is reduced to
fit in this area
Channel Banner
Message Bar
for navigational