SATA drive
connecting to DVR, 45
recording programs to, 45
troubleshooting, 46
Save Latest options, 27
Save Time setting, changing, 43, 44
Saving recordings, 24
methods of, 40
permanently. See Copying
recordings to VCR tape
storage space, 1, 24, 40
Scheduled recordings
canceling, 30
displaying list of, 30
Serial ATA. See SATA drive
Serial number, locating, 53
Setup Wizard
advanced setup, 7
easy setup, 7
starting, 6
Simultaneous recording, 49
Slow motion, 19
Speed indicator on Status Bar, 18
Status Bar, 16-18
Storage space
allotment of (in hours), 1, 24
HD programs, 1
managing, 40
Swap PIP and main TV screens, 22
Support, 53
loss of power, 47
non-responsive remote
control keys, 47
pay-per-view events, 48
program partially recorded, 51
SATA drive, 45-46
TV connections and DVR, 4
VCR connections and DVR, 42
VCR tape, copying recordings to, 42
Video-on-demand, 48
Watching recordings, 28, 29, 36
Web access to more information,
Explorer eClub, 53
Wizard. See Setup Wizard
zooming, 7