
4001231 Rev A WebSTAR Model DPX213 VoIP DOCSIS Cable Modem User's Guide 35
Frequently Asked Questions
This section provides answers to frequently asked questions regarding cable modem
telephone service.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What if I don't subscribe to telephone service from my cable operator, can I still use the
cable modem to make and receive phone calls?
A. No. Telephone service is enabled for each telephone port on the cable modem by
the cable telephone service provider. Contact your cable telephone service provider
to get telephone service through the cable modem.
Q. How do I arrange for installation?
A. Professional installation from your cable service provider may be provided. A
professional installer can connect the telephone service to your existing telephone
wiring in your home or install new wiring if needed. Professional installation also
ensures proper cable connection to the modem and to your PC, and ensures proper
configuration of all hardware and software settings. Contact your cable telephone
service provider for more information about installation.
Q. Can I use my existing phone number with the cable modem?
A. Telephone numbers are portable in some areas. Contact your telephone service
provider for more information about using an existing telephone number.
Q. Do I automatically receive high-speed Internet service with the cable modem?
A. Your cable modem may be used to provide telephone service, high-speed
Internet service, or both services. Your cable service provider enables Internet
service. Contact your cable service provider for more information if you are not
currently subscribing to Internet service.
Q. How many telephones can I connect?
A. The RJ-11 telephone-style connectors on the cable modem can each provide
telephone service to multiple telephones, fax machines, and analog modems. The
maximum number of telephone devices connected to each RJ-11 port is limited by
the total Ringing Load of the telephone devices that are connected. Many telephone
devices are marked with a Ringer Equivalent Number (REN). Each telephone port
on the cable modem can support up to a 5 REN load. The sum of the REN load on all
of the telephone devices attached to each port must not exceed 5 REN.
Q. Can I surf the Internet and make telephone calls at the same time?
A. Absolutely! Telephone service is provided separately from Internet data services.
Internet surfing and other data services do not affect the quality of your telephone
calls. If these services are enabled by your cable service provider, you can make
telephone calls and surf the net at the same time.