Swagelok fittings come to you completely assembled, finger-tight. (Pieces a, b, and c in
Drawing #1 are already together). They are ready for immediate use.
Disassembly before use can result in dirt and foreign material getting into the fitting and
causing leaks. If disassembly is necessary, reassemble per Drawing # 1.
This is a double ferrule system. The most serious installation problem encountered with
SEA FROST is the incorrect assembly of these fittings. Be absolutely sure that you
assemble all fittings as in Drawing #1.
To ease assembly slacken the fitting nut slightly before pushing onto the tube, then
retighten with fingers before tightening with a wrench. (This is to avoid cross threading.)
Step 1. Always leave two inches of straight, undistorted tubing leading to all Swagelok
fittings to allow a proper connection.
Step 2. Prior to inserting 1/2" tubing into Swagelok tube fitting, make a pencil mark one
inch from the end of the tube. Prior to inserting 3/8" tubing, make a pencil mark 3/4"
from the end of the tube. With 1/4" tubing make the mark 5/8" from the end.
Step 3. Insert clean, smooth tubing with the pencil mark into the Swagelok tube fitting.
You can be sure the tube is resting firmly on the shoulder of the fitting when the pencil
mark is flush with the nut.
Step 4. Tighten the Swagelok nut to a wrench snug* position. Scribe the nut with a
pencil at the 6:00 o'clock position. (See drawing #1 step # 2.)
* Wrench snug is the first point in the assembly tightening when the tube can not be
pulled from the fitting, (i.e. when the ferrules tighten enough to contact the tubing).
Step 5. Now, while holding the fitting body with a back-up wrench, tighten the nut one-
and-one-quarter turns (1-1/4). To do so, watch the scribe mark, make one complete
revolution, and continue to the 9:00 o'clock position. (See drawing # 1, step #3.)