
18 Medalist 17242, 13032, 10232, 8422 and 4312, Rev. A
be configured for cable select. To configure this drive for cable select,
install a jumper as shown in Figure 2.
For the master drive to recognize the slave drive using the DASP– signal,
the slave drive must assert the DASP– signal at power up, and the
master drive must monitor DASP– at power up.
2.2.2 Alternate capacity jumper
Some older computers may “hang” if their BIOS detects a hard drive that
has more than 4,092 cylinders at startup. To allow these computers to
recognize the ST317242A, ST313032A, ST310232A, ST38422A or the
ST34312A, these drives include a capacity-limiting jumper, which sets
the drive’s default translation geometry to 4,092 cylinders. This limits the
drive’s capacity to 2.1 Gbytes, unless third-party software is used.
2.3 Ultra ATA/66 cable
An 80-conductor 40-pin cable is required to run Ultra DMA mode 3 and
4. This cable uses even-numbered conductors connected to the ground
pins to improve signal integrity.
The drive supports both host and drive cable detection. The host
detects the 80-conductor cable by sampling pin 34, CBLID—, on
the interface bus. The drive detects the 80-conductor cable by
sensing a capacitor at the host side through the CBLID— signal.
The result is reported in a Fast Rise Detected bit (bit 13 of word
93 in the Identify drive parameter block).