12 Medalist 17240, 13030, 10231, 8420 and 4310, Rev. B
The 32-bit disk access feature in Windows 3.1 does not work
with drives that have capacities greater than 528 Mbytes. If you
want to use 32-bit disk access with Windows 3.1, see the file
SEG32BIT.TXT, located on your DiscWizard diskette, for further
4,092-cylinder limit
The BIOS in some computers cannot support drives that have
more than 4,092 cylinders (approximately 2.1 Gbytes).
If you
install a drive with more than 4,092 cylinders in one of these
computers, the computer may “freeze” or fail to boot
. If you have
this problem, see “Alternate capacity jumper” on page 26 for
more information.
8.4-Gbyte limit
If your drive’s capacity is greater than 8.4 Gbytes, the capacity
may exceed the limits of your system BIOS and operating sys-
tem. DOS and Windows operating systems and most system
BIOS’s limit the drive partitions to 8.4 Gbytes per physical drive.
Because of this limitation, a 32-bit file allocation table (FAT32) is
needed to support drive capacities greater than 8.4 Gbytes.
To achieve your drive’s full capacity, you need a Windows operat-
ing system that supports FAT32
device support for drive
capacities greater than 8.4 Gbytes, from one of the following:
Third-party device driver, such as Disk Manager (Disk Man-
ager is provided on the DiscWizard diskette included with your
An intelligent ATA host adapter,
A system BIOS upgrade