Momentus 5400 FDE Product Manual, Rev. C
Choosing the Enhanced Erase mode will simply perform the Cryptographic Erase described above, and return
status almost immediately. This is the recommended option.
To maintain consistency with the ATA Security specification, Momentus 5400 FDE drives provide an option to
perform the Normal Erase mode.
Note. Choosing normal erase will result in the drive overwriting the entire drive, with data encrypted with the
newly generated encryption key, in addition to the Cryptographic Erase.
4.1.3 Additional technical notes
Additional notes are available on the following web site:
This site shows technical notes about additional new commands for FDE drives and other FDE-related infor-
Table 8: ATA Security Erase Unit bits
Word Content
0 Control word
Bit 0 Identifier 0 = Compare User password
1 = Compare Master password
Bit 1 Erase mode 0 = Normal Erase
1 = Enhanced Erase
Bit (15:2) Reserved
1 - 16 Password (32 bytes)
17 - 255 Reserved