The A_ F_otar u_d iR IIIi55_w I! G c_pad_r sfor!_ I_OR-
tevei"sible G/pe, wil-h the {o/bwiRg: spedficot_ons:
Vol_ege ............ l ! 51230
Am_r_s .... t015
Cycles ............. 60
Phose .......... Single
£.PM ............... 3450
Rota#or tYi_w_d f_o_
_w hi:ode e_d< Clockwise
CAUYJON: This saw ,_ wk_d 1o_ 115 _0/t
_ocro'h0_. C©nn_¢t tO _5 Am_',. BroRch
Cbcc@ _Rd us_ ]5 Amp, Tim_-Ddoy Fuse
NOTE: T_i_ s_w _o_or _s wire_J ot lh, e to_tor-t
ta<r ]lS volir _ c'yc_ AC sorv_c&. > _s show_
_ bgure 1 c_r_d dL,s_ribed _ paragraph 1_
be!O'_ LIl_del n_a_ home w_.'l<shop use
_+_d'_ pr_ipcr voh_g4 _6 Ilhe moth, re tn_ s_w
wi!_ uporot_z _lh _oes_uote. e__ioenitr- How-
_.wer. if o_y o_ the [dI0win# co_dhio_s e×bs_,
1 r_'y _c _ece:ssory _o r¢.%zor_r_@__lt_e sow
fa_ 230 _o#s AC _s d_:_scrib_:._ r_ por_%r_sph
I, Co_tMuous hea_,y_dut7 us.r:
?, Ur_e_s42e wH-in_4 n c_cu_ _r@r_ nno_r r©
pnwm _a_tre or o/_eriooded ¢@¢_1
_w_uzh _l_O/ _¢t d_R _G _'_cr/L'r_ed po_e_
llho po'_¢_r :0rd muDt also _se d_nnged ff_'o__ the 1 lB-_olt lyp_'_
to file 230-'calf t'tpc, wndR CnaRgil_g IO 23Q-volt operatiO_
t. Co_ne_ttio_'_s For l_=Volt_ AC (See figere 1.) When
reploc_tg e rROf'or or can_ediR9 _r_e s_w r_ "115-vdts
for o_y :reason, mo_ su='_, tt'_r_ wires MddR th_ motor
term na bo_ are com_ec_ed us follo_s
a, CoRr0e(t me. WHITE. BLACK _ne RED b±ods from f_le
mo_@[ rermincH :box Io _he WNIT_ more! ,cOrd [eo¢l
tThe bl_ck motor ¢:/Jr_s k_o_ _S olr@c;_ _OnR@_t'ed _o
the a_er}ood p_otedor
s, Zoomed me GRFEN rind BROWN _eoos to the BI.UE
c. Twist burr tXtRO:Sot w_r_'s lOgCther @_d insl'cdl t, w_re
d. P,usl_ ol 0ads careI_l W ,RiO motor _e_'m_¢_o! box ¢_r_cs
iRs_oH _ermiRol box cew.'_.
2. Co_ned'ioI_s F@r 230-Velils AC. (See ti!lure 2.._ when
col'u_,ct_ Ibe _O_or ior 230-vo!1 ope.rot_on, tha follow-
mg con¢}ectlons m@sl be made msloe the mator ter_ina[
o. ConRed IR_: WHITe. oRd BLACK [e_ds from mool0r
hrrmmaJ POX _o #hR WHITE motor <or_} @Od_ Twi_l
Dare en_s log@f;}_er OR4 msro! _ w]r_:_ Rul _ss shnw_
Jr, figuru 2.
b Leo're the BROWN lead "[_om o've:rloed p_ot'edorJ
o_scofine_ed _r_d _nst_o_e _' with tape to prevRm
shah ¢_t'c_.hnr 4 i_5;<.le m0to¢ _ermlaol box
z Ce._nRuct me GREEN RED ond BlUE eQos rc_gt÷mn
t'+,_$1 bert, ureas ORd iR_l'o}} a wile nut.
d P,_,!,I hi{ 6;'ods ¢o_'efut:_ _o mo_o_ terminal box on,:'_
................. [
R;U !,L/d,i _
ILl _ 3 Z) =u(j L I
I.........A-" -:"
Figere 3
The so,.# moro_ _ eq_ippe-<_ w,t_ o mor_eo_or÷se_ lherm<_l
o'_erload proricto_, desTgned _0 upon the: pow_,=r line _'_,_¢u_l
wBeR rRe mot'o_' lempe_'oture exceeds u so_e _al_e
/ If thL- prof_CtO_" opens the h_e _R@ stops lhe sa'w moto_.
_#ress _he sow sw_cf to the'., "'OFF" posmoR immedio_el.
_nd allow the m_tor _o cool
2 At'tot #oo{inq I'0 O lot< o!;_er_!! @ tR_°_7-r¢llur@ TI'I@O*_Qt
!ood l_rolec!0r <XtR uu dosed [nonLJol_ Q¥ pusa_ng m
_]_ r@_ btZlOn _ U_¢- I!IO_Oit _opQditor _over 1_ the r_
button will riot _Rop =_lo plo_e imnl_diol@ly, l:t_e I_olor
_s still roe no_ end nss_s_ be allowed to cool fo;r sl wh_e
10nqur A_ audible cl_ick will iRdlcofe #roledo_ _.s_:losed
3 As SOO_ Ol tfte ted _wtto_ will _n<-_pl_to rkJnnmg posmotL
Ihe _0_ mo]_ be sf_lrted on_ op,etote_ Rm'mol y b'i_ pres_
ing the sow switch m lhe O1"<I" pos.[t]o_.
4 Frequen openAng at fl_ses or a_o_t b_ea1_ers m.a_ resuh
i# m0to_ _s overloodd o_ if lh@ motor dr'_u';_ _s f_sed
w<m o trust oth!s:r II'hon tnos_ r_J¢ommg'nded. Do _/ol us_-"
a tUSR O_ .qrc-orcr_-opocd'7 wTt_out _r.onsuH'_Rg lhc" power"
5 Although the mol'o_ _s designed f_r spetotloR DR the
volt'agL" aRd frequcRcy spe¢ilied OR _o[or _amcp{al_ _
Rurma lo_ds _d!t o_ hot, died so_et./on _olta£cs _o_ more
lhon 10% o_:_o,,w=!o_" Below l{le home, late Y@IrOgL: Heovy
loads, howc'_er', reqa}re thot vo!tag_ ot motor tc_m_Pols
oc Re4 Icsos thor_ lhl_ volf_g_ _}_eclfie_ oR ROmCp_altz
r_, ??,o'd'I"10_0_troublE% r_o_ _0 trocod t© loose or _r_orr@c'l