The carbumtur of your generator is pm-_at at the fag-
tory. The o_oumtor should notbe tampered wl_ Ifyour
generator is used at an altitude in excess of 4000 font
performance may be affected. If so consult with your
nearestCraftsman Service Center regardinghighaltitude
sat oh_nges.
Your engine governor maintains the oonstant operating
speed of your generator. DO NOT tamper with the en-
gine governor which is factory set for pl'oper engine
tlagcan be dangerousand couldpossiblycause per
eenalInjuryor propertydamage If you be,evethe an=
ginsisrunningtoofastorslow,takeyourgeneratorto a
AuthorizedCraftsmanServiceCenterforrepairand ad-
_r_j_ Low engine speeds Impose a
_heavyload on the engine and ]
when aufflelent power Is not available the engine I
I life could be .hortaned. I
If you am going to stere your generator for more then
30 days. use the following information as a guide to
)mpare the generator fOrstorage.
Never store generator with
- - - fuel in the tank Indoors er
in enclosed, poorly ventilated areas, where
fumes can reach an open time, qpark or pilot
light as on a furnace, water heater, clothes
dryer or other gas appliances.
Engine Preparation
Add fuel stabilizerto fuel tank to minimize the
formation of fuel gum doposRs during storage.
• Run engine at least 10 minutes after adding
atabillzel" to allow Itto enter the fuel mjatera.
Disoonnent the spark plug wire and remove the
spark plug.
Add one teaspoon of oll through the spark plUg
Pku_ rag over eperk plug holeand pull the recoila
few times to lubricate the oombustion chamber.
Replene the _ plug, but do notconnect the
spark plug wire
NOTE: If a fuel stabilir.e_"isnot used, all gasoline must
be drained fromthe tank end carburetor to prevem gum
depOsitsfrom forming on these parts and causing pos-
sible malfunctionof the engine
Clean the generator as outlined in the Generator
Melntananee paragraph on page 18
- Check that coolingair slots end openings on
generator are open end unobstructed.
• Store battery as described by the battery menu-
NOTE: After sterlng battery for ellong period oftime it
may lose it's charge, ff the battery loses it's r,harge,
manually start the engine with the battery connected.
The engine will recharge me battery en It runs
_ P_ __WWJ 1B -- ENQ