Attachments That Add to the Usefulness of Your
Craftsman Tractor
Sears offers a wide variety of attachments that fit your tractor. Many of these are listed below with brief
explanations of how they can help you. This list was current at the time of publication: however, it may change
in future years -- more attachments may be added, changes (including changes in the stock number) may be
made in these attachments, or some may be available.
Most of these attachments do not require additional hitches or conversion kits (those that do are indicated)
and are designed for easy attaching and detaching. You may order these attachments at most Sears retail stores,
catalog sales offices, and through the catalog.
TIRE CHAINS are heavy duty; closely-spaced, extra-large cross links give smooth ride, outstanding traction.
WHEEL WEIGHTS for rear wheels provide needed traction for snow removal or dozing heavy materials.
Weight (each)
30 lb.
33 lb.
Lawn Tractors with 8 in. rims
Lawn or Yard Tractors with 10-in. rims
A mounting bracket is available to mount one 55 pound weight on the rear of your tractor frame for added traction.