Clean/ Replace Spark Plug
Replacethe spark plugyearly or every100 hoursof
operation,whichevercomes first.
CAUTION: Disconnectsparkplugwire from
,_ spark plugand keep wire away spark plug.
Clean area aroundspark plug.
• Remove spark plugform the cylinderhead.
• Replacespark plugif the electrodesare pitted,
burnedor porcelainis cracked.For replacement
useChampion RC12YC or equivalent.
• Check electrodegap with wirefeeler gaugeand set
gap to0.76ram (.030 inches), if necessary.
• installa correctlygapped spark plugintothe
cylinderhead, tightensecure|y.
Ifyou thinkyourcarburetorneeds adjusting,see your
nearestSears Service Center. Engineperformance
may be affectedat altitudesabove 5000 feet. For
operationat higherelevations,contactyournearest
Sears ServiceCenter.
Adjusting Valve Clearance
Afterthe firstfilly (50) hoursofoperation,you should
adjust the valve clearancein the engine.
Important: If you feel uncomfortableaboutdoingthis
procedureor you don'thave the propertools,please
take yourcleaningsystem in tothe nearestservice
centerto have thevalve clearanceadjusted. This isa
very importantstepto insurethe longestlifeforyour
To adjustvalve clearance:
• Make sure the engine isat roomtemperature.
• Makesure that the spark plugwire isremovedfrom
the spark plugand outof the way.
• Removethe breathertube from the valvecover.
Removethe fours_rewsattaching thevalve cover
witha #2 or 3 phillipsscrewdriver.
Valve Cover Breather Tube
Make sure the piston isat Top Dead Cer_ter('rDC)
ofitscompressionstroke (bothvalves closed). To
getthe pistonat top dead center, pullon the recoil
handleslowlywatchingthe pistontroughthe spark
plughole. As you pull on the recoil handlethe ,
piston shouldmove up and down. The pistonisput
Top Dead Center when it is up as high as it can go.
Allen Wmnol
LooNn Jam Nut
* Using a 10mm wrench, loosen the rockerarmjam
nut. Use an 8ramallen wrenchto tum the pivotball
studwhile checkingclearance between the rocker
arm and the valve stern witha feeler gauge.
Correct clearance is 0.002-0.004 inch (0.05-
0.1mm). Note: You must holdthe rockerarmjam
n_ in place as you turn the pivotball stud.
, When valve clearance is correct, holdthe pivotball
stud inplace withthe allen wrenchand tightenthe
rockerarm jam nut. Tighten the jam nut to 65-85
inch-poundstorque.After tighteningthe jam nut,
recheckvalve clearance to make sure ff did not