
1000 G E R
Safety information
Neveroperatethe enginein an enclosed area,Atlgasoline enginesproducecarbon
monoxidegas while running_Breathingexhaustfumescan kill, Operatethe enginein a
Ex#actfrom CPSCDocement #5008 on CarbonMonoxide
The C@_s_m_ P_od_c_Saf_b! Comm ssio_ {CPSC hasissue_ tb_fo lowbg worn _g _ega_di@
* Bei'_o¢S_ port:ohiohea_8_so_ta_tem$ wbi_o sl@_@ n er_dosed arson;Suchas tents campers a_d
o_he_veh c_es,Tibiais 8s_e_iaii mpo_tao_a_high ai_Jt_d_ss,where I_'_rB_ of calrbon oooxid_
posooi_g is ioo_8ase_,
- Knowfl'msymptomsofcs@,_omsnox_e_oisonrig:_oadsch¢dizziness®osk_'mssnansen
veto _ing se@inOss and confusion Cartonsmono_ de s_lc_s the blood s sbi/h;?to carry ox.vgef_
LowhoodoxygenIevoscan_ess_iin!ossof teresaouss_mssaddeath
S88a do¢_arif yes o_a m_rnhOr O_yO_,_Smi_y@ve/ops @_dot S_ _ke Wrap,oreS
Catho_,mor_oxidepo see ng can @sly bemistake_ tbr a enid or !tu sod i_ of_sn de_st_zdtoe fat,
, Al@ho O@'_S_mp_onand d_@ _s8 _scsss8 the 8flecksf carbon rr'i@oxide posen@
,Cohosmonoxideo 8sp88a_2tnxs k_mothera_dcited@_@ _'_rogna_m_/.intsnSthe_@d'{_
SmOkO_Saf}d #{J@iewi_h #iO0{'lOtOirCOs[nry s!/slem p¢ohlems sue ss shores or hea_ldisass&
F_el Is NinNy Fla_maNe
DONOTrefuelwhile e%ine is running,
DONOTrefuel nearsparksor openfiame_
DONOTsmokewhile refueling_
ALWAYSa%w the engineand muffler to toni bdore refueling
Rduel ONW in weiFventflatedarea
DONOTover_fill gastank
E_gi_eA_d _ffte_ 6el Very N_i
KeepflammaWematerialsat least3 feet from generator.
Whenin use, pla.cegene_atorin an areawherechildren are not iiketyto touch it
Ele_tri_ Sheik hazard
DONOToperate{nrain of snow_or ne£ to bodyof water.
DONOTtouch witt_wet hands
Besure to USEGROUNDEDPLUGSwith the generator:
DONOTconnectgeneratorto commercial power outiets