Replacing nylon timing cams on
accumulator mechanism
Electrical Shock Hazard
Disconnect power before servicing.
Replace all panels before operating,
Failure to do so can result in death or
electrical shock.
1. Unplug dryer or disconnect power.
2. Remove meter-case service door:
• Loosen two screws securing timer bracket to meter
case and lift timer assembly out.
3. Remove nylon timing cam:
• Rotate cam by hand until "V" notch lines up under-
neath the ratchet tooth.
Timing Cam
Changing Vend Price
Follow all instructions carefully.
NOTE: Place all screws and other items removed from
coin slide assembly on a cloth so they will not get lost.
Electrical Shock Hazard
Disconnect power before servicing.
Replace all panels before operating.
Failure to do so can result in death or
electrical shock.
1. Unplug dryer or disconnect power.
2. Remove slide mechanism from meter case.
Line Up Notch
to Clear Ratchet
Hub Down with Narrow
• Insert narrow screwdriver under nylon cam close to
the timer shaft. Lift cam gently off shaft. Make sure
that pressure is directed upward and the "V" notch
clears the ratchet tooth.
4. Replace new timing cam:
• Be sure drive lug is in place. Place cam (hub down)
over timer shaft, lining up flat on shaft with fiat of
drive lug hole.
• Rotate cam until "V" notch lines up with ratchet
• Press down to seat cam on timer shaft. Make sure
that "V" notch freely clears ratchet tooth.
6 Light Red 30
4 Light Yellow 45
3 Light Green 60 (Installed)
5. Plug in dryer or reconnect power.
3. Remove slide return spring.
4. Place coin(s) in coin slot(s) and push forward all
the way.
5. Remove buffer.
6. Turn coin chute upside down and install or remove
required number of block-out keys. Remove keys to
increase vend, add keys to lower vend.
7. Reassemble buffer.
8. Pull slide back to original position and reassemble
slide return spring.