FrozenWater Pipe Hazard
Failure to protect against the risk of freezing could
result in property damage and/or personal injury.
Do not leave your home unattended for long periods
during freezing weather without turning off water
supply and draining water pipes or otherwise
protecting against the risk of frozen pipes and
resultant damage.
Your furnace is designed solely to provide a safe and comfortable
living environment. The furnace is NOT designed to ensure that
water pipes will not freeze. It is equipped with several safety de-
vices that are designed to turn the furnace off and prevent it from
restarting in the event of various potentially unsafe conditions.
If your furnace remains off for an extended time, the pipes in your
home could freeze and burst, resulting in serious water damage.
If the structure will be unattended during cold weather you should
take these precautions.
1. Turn off the water supply to the structure and drain the water
lines if possible and add an antifreeze for potable water to
drain traps and toilet tanks. Open faucets in appropriate
Have someone check the structure frequently during cold
weather to make sure it is warm enough to prevent pipes
from freezing. Instruct them on a service agency to call to
provide service, if required.
3. Install a reliable remote sensing device that will notify some-
body of freezing conditions within the home.
Winter Shutdown
If you go away during the winter months and do not leave the heat
on in your home, the plastic transition box and the condensate trap
on the furnace must be protected from freeze damage.(See
Figure 9 trough Figure 18)
1. Disconnect the 5/8" OD rubber hose from the vent drain fit-
ting that is located downstream of the combustion blower.
Insert a funnel into the hose and pour four(4) ounces of sani-
tary type (RV) antifreeze into the condensate trap. Recon-
nect the 5/8" OD rubber hose to the stub on the vent drain
fitting. Secure with the hose clamp.
2. Disconnect the 3/4" OD rubber hose from the condensate
trap. Insert a funnel into the hose and and pour four(4)
ounces of sanitary type (RV) antifreeze into the plastic Tran-
sition box. Squeeze the hose together near the end and
quickly reconnect the 3/4" OD rubber hose to the stub on the
condensate trap. Secure with the hose clamp.
When you return home, your furnace will be ready to start, as it is
not necessary to drain the antifreeze from the furnace.
2. Installation
Failure to properly vent this furnace or other
appliances could result in death, personal injury
and/or property damage.
This furnace can NOT be common vented or
connected to any type B, BW or L vent or vent
connector, nor to any portion of a factory-built or
masonry chimney. If this furnace is replacing a
3reviously common-vented furnace, it may be
necessary to resize the existing vent and chimney to
3revent oversizing problems for the other
remaining appliance(s). See Venting and Combus-
tion Air Check in Gas Vent Installation section. This
furnace MUST be vented to the outside.
Location and Clearances
If furnace is a replacement, it is usually best to install the fur-
nace where the old one was. Choose the location or evalu-
ate the existing location based upon the minimum clearance
and furnace dimensions (Figure 3).
Failure to protect against the risk of freezing could
result in property damage and/or personal injury.
Special precautions MUST be made if installing
furnace in an area which may drop below freezing.
This can cause improper operation or damage to
equipment. If furnace environment has the potential
of freezing, the drain trap and drainline must be
protected. The use of electric heat tape or RV
antifreeze is recommended for these installations.
(See "Condensate Trap Freeze Protection Section")
Refer to Figure 1 or Figure 2 for typical installation and ba-
sic connecting parts required. Refer to Figure 4 for typical
horizontal direct vent installation and basic connecting parts
required. Supply and return air plenums and duct are also
Do NOT operate furnace in a corrosive atmosphere
containing chlorine, fluorine or any other damaging
chemicals. Refer to Combustion & Ventilation Air section,
Contaminated Combustion Air.
E_ 44001102004