Item Clearance Description
A Clearance above grade, veranda, porch, deck, balcony, or
anticipated snow level
B Clearance to awindow or door that may he opened
C Clearance to apermanently closed window
D Vertical clearance to aventilated soffit located above the
terminal within a horizontal distance of 2' (61cm) from the
centedine of the terminal
E Clearance to anunventilated soffit
F Clearance to anoutside corner
O Clearance to an inside corner
H Clearance to each side of the centedine extended above
electrical meter or gas service regulator assembly
I Clearance to service regulator vent outlet
J Clearance to non-mechanical air supply inlet to building or
the combustion air inlet to any other appliance
K Clearance to amechanical air supply inlet
L Clearance under a veranda, porch, deck, or balcony
M Clearance to each side ofthe centerline extended above or
below vent terminal of the furnace toa dryer or water heater
vent, or other appliance's direct vent intake or exhaust.
CanadianInstallation (1)
12" (30cm)#
6" (15 cm) for appliances _< 10,000 BTUH (3kW), 12" (30
cm) for appliances > 10,000 Btuh (3kW) and _<100,O00 Btub
(30 kW), 36" (91 cm) for appliances > 100,000 Btab (30 kW)
3' (91cm) within 15' (4.5 m) above the meter/regulator
3' (91cm)
6" (15cm)forappliances_<lO,OOOBTUH(3kW),9" (23cm)
forappliances>10,000Btah (3kW) and _<100,000Btah(30
kW)and _<50,000Btuh(15kW), 12" (30cm)forappliances
> 50,000Btah(15kW)
6' (1.83m)
12" (30 cm) +
12" (30 cm)
N Clearance from a plumbing vent stack 3' (91 cm)
(1.) In accordance wifh the currem CSA B149.1, Natural Gas and Propane Installation Code
(2.) In accordance with the current ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54, National Fuel Gas Code
# 18" (46 cm) above roof surface
+ Permitted only if veranda, porch, deck, or balcony isfully open on a minimum of two sides beneath the floor.
U.S.Installation (2)
12" (30cm)
6" (15cm)forappliances_<10,000BTUH(3kW),9" (23 cm)
for appliances>10,000Btuh(3 kW)and_<50,000Btuh(15
kW),12" (30cm)for appliances>50,000Btub(15kW)
3' (91 cm) within 15' (4.5 m) above the meter/regulator
6" (15cm)forappliances_<lO,OOOBTUH(3kW),9" (23cm)
for appliances >10,000 Btah (3 kW) and _<50,000 Btuh (15
kW), 12" (30 cm) for appliances > 50,000 Btuh (15kW)
3' (91 cm) above if within 10' (3m horizontally)
12" (30 cm)
3' (91 cm)
For clearances notspecified inANSI Z223.1/N FPA 54 or C SA B149.1, clearances shall be in accordance with local installation codes and the requirements ofthe gas supplier and the manufactare's installatio
1. The vent for this appliance shall not terminate
a. Over public walkways; or
b. Near soffit vents or crawl space veins or other areas where condensate or vapor could create a nusiance or hazard orproperty damage; or
c. Where condensate vapor could cause damage or could be detrimental to the operation of regulators, relief valves, or other equipment.
2. When locating vent terminations, consideration must begiven to prevailing winds, location, and other conditions which may cause recirculation of the combustiob products of adjacent vents.
Recircula0on can cause poor combustion, inlet condensate problems, and accelerated corrosion of the heat exchangers.
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