
5 www.seuservice.com
To avoid injury and trouble, be sure to constantly give careful attention to the behavior and
manner of the visitors and players.
Immediately stop such violent acts as hitting and kicking the product. Such
violent acts can cause parts damage or falling down, resulting in injury due to
fragments and falling down.
To avoid collision or falling down accident, caution the customers so as not to
come in to the Seat rear.
Instruct the Player to take firm hold of the Steering Wheel when in play. The
Steering Wheel is equipped with reaction mechanism. Holding the Steering
Wheel lightly while playing the game can cause a contingent accident.
Instruct the customer, other than the Player, not to touch the operation device
when in play. Touching the operation device during play can cause accidents
and trouble between customers.
Instruct the Player to adjust the seat before playing the game. Playing the
game in a forcible posture can cause a contingent accident.
This product is designed for players taller than 130cm and shorter than
210cm. To avoid accidents, instruct the customers who do not meet the
height requirements to refrain from playing the game.
To avoid injury and accidents, those who fall under the following categories
are not allowed to play the game.
Those who need assistance such as the use of an apparatus when walking.
Those who have high blood pressure or a heart problem.
Those who have experienced muscle convulsion or loss of consciousness
when playing video game, etc.
Those who have a trouble in the neck and or spinal cord.
Intoxicated persons.
Pregnant women or those who are in the likelihood of pregnancy.
Persons susceptible to motion sickness.
Persons whose act runs counter to the product's warning displays.
To avoid injury resulting from falling down, and electric shock due to spilled
drinks, instruct the player not to place heavy items or drinks on the product.
To avoid electric shock and short circuit, do not allow customers to put hands
and fingers or extraneous matter in the openings of the product or small
openings in or around the doors.
To avoid falling down and injury resulting from falling down, immediately
stop the customer's leaning against or climbing on the product, etc.
To avoid electric shock and short circuit, do not allow the customers to
unplug the power plug without a justifiable reason.
To avoid a fire due to a cigarette stub, caution the customers so as not to put
dust on the Seat rear.
Caution the customers so as not to put dust on the outlet for driving records.
Failure to observe this may cause a fire due to cigarette stubs.
This product is intended for 1 Player only. Playing the game by 2 or more
Players riding on the seat together can cause falling down and collision
accidents by striking head, hand, or elbow.