
Use control direction button to indicate if the color is
matching the meaning.
Directional Pad (D-Pad): Control the direction
A Key: Play game
B Key: Exit game/back to the game menu
10. Color Puzzle
The checker game is composed of 1 board and 32 pieces. It is for
only one player, and the goal is to leave just one piece on the
center of the board.
There are several initial positions for the pieces; the most common
one is the one which has all holes occupied except the one in the
center. The capture is made by having one piece jump over
another. Each time one piece jumps over another; the one that is
jumped over is removed from the board. Pieces can only be
captures in a straight line, which means, it is not allowed to jump
diagonally. The game proceeds until it gets impossible to capture
another piece.
To select the piece to be moved or to cancel the selected piece,
press A, B or C.
The player and the computer are positioned at the opposite sides
of the table with 5 balls each. Whoever throws all of the 10 balls
to the other end first or has fewer balls left when the time is up
wins the game, and enters the next round. The player must avoid
the balls thrown from the other side. If struck by a ball, he/she will
be dazed for a while.
12. Curling 2010
Directional Pad (D-Pad): Move left or right.
Start Key (Start): Pause the game,
press it again to resume.
A Key: Throw out a ball.
In this game, the player needs to control the dogs at the bottom of
the screen to cross the busy street within a limited time and arrive at
the cabins on the opposite side of the street without being run over.
Dogs can jump onto roof of the cars and move with it. Whenever all
3 dogs have arrived in cabins, one level (out of 10) is passed. Each
time you pass a level, the speed and quantity of cars is increased.
Dog loses a life if it is hit by a car or enters non-vacant cabin. When
all of the 4 lives are lost, the game is over.
11. Cross the Road
Directional Pad (D-Pad): Control dog to move left or right.
Start Key (Start): Pause the game, press it again to resume.
A Key: Control dog to jump a step forward.
B Key: Control dog to jump onto the roof of a car.
Use your skill to move your little tap through the sand track. On
the track selection menu you can see the number of turns and the
track length. Use the directional pad to change the direction and
press A to confirm.
Press A once again to select the power.
On each round the taps are moved in sequence. Be careful not to
run out the track, or your tap will be returned to the spot where it
was moved from. The one to complete all the laps first will be the
Chess is a game played between two opponents on opposite sides of a
board containing 64 squares of alternating colors. Each player has 16
pieces: 1 king, 1 queen, 2 rooks, 2 bishops, 2 knights, and 8 pawns. The
goal of the game is to checkmate the other king. Checkmate happens
when the king is in a position to be captured (in check) and cannot
escape from capture.
9. Chess
Directional Pad (D-Pad):
Control the direction of the pointing cursor to selected tile.
Start Key (Start): Start the game.
A Key: Take or put a piece.
B Key: Repeal.
C Key: Back to the menu.
The pawn moves differently depending on whether it moves to an
empty square or whether it takes a piece of the opponent. When a
pawn does not take, it moves one square straight forward. When this
pawn has not moved at all. i.e., the pawn is still at the second row
(from the owning players view), the pawn may make a double step
straight forward. For instance, a white pawn on d2 can be moved to
d4. When taking, the pawn goes one square diagonally forward.
The rook moves in a straight line, horizontally or vertically. The rook
may not jump over other pieces, That is: all squares between the
square where the rook starts its move and where the rook ends its
move must be empty. As for all pieces, when the square where the
rook ends his move contains a piece of the opponent, then this piece is
taken. The square where the rook ends his move may not contain a
piece of the player owning this rook.
The bishop moves in a straight diagonal line. Like the rooks, the bishop
also may not jump over other pieces.
The knight makes a move that consists of first one step in a horizontal
or vertical direction, and then one step diagonally in an outward
direction. The knight jumps: it is allowed that the first square that the
knight passes over is occupied by an arbitrary piece.
The queen has the combined moves of the rook and the bishop, i.e.,
the queen may move in any straight line, horizontal, vertical, or
The king moves one square in any direction, horizontally, vertically, or
Movement of the Pieces
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