
DIP Switch
DIP Switch Functions
The DM-D500 has two groups of DIP switches. The functions of the
DIP switches are as follows:
DIP switch 1
(*1)XON/XOFF is effective only when the DM-D500 is connected with a stand alone.
Transmission speed
*Cannot be set to 57,600 or 115,200 when using the IR Series.
DSW1 No. Function ON OFF Default setting
1-1 Data receive error Ignored Displays “?” OFF
1-2 Hand shaking XON/XOFF (*1) DTR/DSR OFF
1-3 Data length 7 bits 8 bits OFF
1-4 Parity on or off Parity No parity OFF
1-5 Parity type Even Odd OFF
Change transmis-
sion speed
See “Transmission speed.”
1-7 OFF
1-8 ON
SW1-6 SW1-7 SW1-8 Transmission speed (bps)
ON ON ON 2400
OFF ON ON 4800
ON OFF ON 9600
OFF OFF ON 19200
ON ON OFF 38400
OFF ON OFF 57600*
ON OFF OFF 115200*