3 Pull the Sub friction roller unit by gripping the center area of the unit by your
forefingers. Then lift it up until the unit is positioned on the top of printer as
shown in Figure 2-6.
Figure 2-6 Opening the sub friction roller unit
4 If necessary, centre the print head by hand.
5 Hold the ribbon cartridge with the knob facing upwards and turn the ribbon knob
in the direction shown by the arrow to take up any slack in the ribbon.
6 To install the ribbon cartridge, hold it with both hands, with the ribbon facing
down as shown if Figure 2-7.
Figure 2-7 Installing the ribbon cassette
Make sure that the following:
When you look at the print head you will find a small piece of black plastic
on the thin metal sheet of the ribbon guide. Make sure that the ribbon goes
under the piece of plastic.
Position the ribbon cartridge with the tabs on its case over the slots inside
the printer case.
With the ribbon cartridge and ribbon correctly positioned, gently push the
cartridge towards the back of printer until it clicks into place.
7 Move the print head from side a few times to make sure the ribbon goes into the
ribbon guides.
8 Having installed the ribbon, lower the
sub friction roller and gently push it shut
until you hear a click. Then close the window cover.
Sub friction roller
Ribbon cartridge
Nose of Print head
Print head
Ribbon Lead Slice