servicing instructions
1.1 Before starting work on the motor, these servicing instructions should
be read and fully understood.
1.2 Servicing of SEM motors must be done only by suitably trained and
qualified personnel, and only after such motors have been electrically
isolated and removed from their mechanical drives.
1.3 The jaws of any vice or clamp must be suitably protected when used to
grip any part of the motor.
1.4 When separating the motor end covers from the motor body, care must
be taken to avoid damage to their mating surfaces.
1.5 NOTE. There are strong magnetic forces between the stator and
the rotor of all SEM servomotors. Fingers should be kept clear of
the gaps between the stator and end covers during assembly and
disassembly of the rotor.
1.6 Dismantled components awaiting reassembly, should be kept in a safe,
clean and dry location.
Various types of encoder are used, involving different procedures
for dismantling, reassembly, connection, setting up and testing.
Contact SEM with regard to relevant servicing procedures for the
particular type of encoder involved.
2.1 The following relationships must be marked with a marker pen or other
suitable method before dismantling.
2.2 Drive end (DE) cover (A) to motor body (B).
2.3 Non-drive end cover (D) to motor body (C).
2.4 Enclosing Cover (17) to non-drive end (NDE) cover (11).
2.5 Prior to resolver dismantling, mark outside end faces of resolver stator
(4) and resolver rotor (3)
3.1 Remove 4 M4 socket screws from NDE enclosing cover (17), remove
the end cover and the O Ring.
3.2 Grip the drive end of the rotor shaft (1) in a suitably protected vice and
loosen the nut (2). Leave this nut finger tight until the resolver is
required to be removed. (Note that a special tool is required, contact
SEM for details). Remove the unit from the vice at this point.
3.3 Disconnection sequence, (MS Connectors option). Remove 8 fixing
screws and pull M.S. plugs (29 & 30) clear of non drive end housing
sufficiently to allow access to wires for unsoldering of existing
connectors. When the wires are unsoldered the M.S. connectors can
be removed. (It is important to note all connections prior to
3.4 Disconnection sequence, (Terminal Box assembly option).
Remove terminal box screws (27) lid, (21) and gasket (28). Unsolder
all connections from M.S. Connector (30) and release 3 motor leads
and 2 brake leads from terminal block (23). To remove the terminal box
(20) from the non drive end housing, remove screw and nut (25 & 26).
3.5 Removal of Resolver. Important. At all stages of removal and
reassembly, the resolver unit must be handled with care. (See Para
14). Unscrew (7 & 8) and release resolver body (4) complete. Remove
nut (2), noting that at this point the resolver rotor (3) is free, and will
drop out of the resolver body unless held in place by hand. Remove
the resolver and store in a safe place until re-assembly.
3.6 Removal of Drive End Cover, (Non Brake models). (do not lever
between body and end covers under any circumstance) Remove 4, M5
screws (36). Do not attempt to separate the N.D.E. housing from the
motor body at this stage. Remove 4 screws (35) and separate the drive
end cover from the motor body (10) and rotor shaft (1). Remove and
discard the oil seal (19) and the O-ring (13) (note that the oil seal must
be pressed out using a suitable tool. The rotor assembly is now free to
be removed, via the non-drive end, but it is still attached to the N.D.E.
cover by N.D.E. bearing (6).
3.7 Removal of N.D.E. Housing. TAKE CARE! The rotor itself is covered
by a protective tape, and before any attempt is made at further
withdrawal, the rotor must be properly supported and eased through
the motor body so that the tape is not damaged in any way. This is
most important. To remove rotor from N.D.E. cover, remove circlips
(14) from N.D.E. cover to release N.D.E. bearing (6). Support the
N.D.E. cover and rotor assembly in such a way as to allow the rotor to
be gently tapped or pushed out of the housing. (Only use a hide mallet
it tapping out is necessary).
3.8 Removal of D.E. Cover (Brake Models). Remove 3 screws which
hold brake assembly to D.E. housing, then follow instructions as for
non-brake model, (section 3.8). When drive end cover is removed, the
brake assembly (38) and bearing (15) are left on the rotor shaft (1).
After removing circlip (41) the bearing itself can only be removed by
use of a suitable tool. This will leave the brake assembly free to be
removed from the rotor shaft after disconnection of the relevant ‘spade’
connectors. Then follow instructions as applicable to nonbrake motor
(section 3.9).
4.1 Note: New circlips, bearings oil seals and O-ring must be fitted on
reassembly as standard procedure. Also ensure that all marks made in
section 2 are in alignment as applicable. Fit bearing (6) into N.D.E.
housing. Fit D.E. Bearing (15) onto rotor (1). Supporting inner race of
N.D.E. bearing, press rotor assembly back into N.D.E. housing, fit
circlip (40). Fit new O-ring (13).
4.2 Carefully re-insert assembled rotor and N.D.E. housing through the
motor body at the same time feeding connection wires through the
crescent shape hole in the N.D.E. housing, taking care not to trap
wires or to damage the protective tape on the rotor when completing
this assembly. Tighten screws, using correct torque (see torque table).
Refit brake when fitted and fit bearing (15) (reconnect ‘spade’
connectors). Refit drive end housing (12) with wave washer 2, (16) and
O-ring (13) in position. Refit screws and tighten to correct torque (see
torque table). Fit oil seal (19).
4.3 Refit Resolver. Slide Resolver body into non drive end of rotor shaft
and screw into N.D. E. housing using screw (7) and clamps (8). Refit
resolver rotor (3), fit new nut (2) and tighten to correct torque (see
torque table), gripping drive end of rotor shah in a suitably protected
vice (as para 3). Re-assemble M.S. connectors or terminal box
assembly as applicable, in reverse sequence to paras 3.3 & 3.4.
5.1 This only applies to a standard resolver supplied by SEM with the
standard setting. For any other resolver, refer to the drive
5.2 For these procedures it is necessary to make connections and links to
feedback connector pins. To avoid damage to these pins, it is
advisable to make such connections and links via a suitable separate
test socket which mates with the feedback connector multi-pin plug
(30) and which has short leads connected to its sockets. Alternatively
appropriate pins can be made available for connections and links by
withdrawing them from plug (30) as in Section 3.3 and 3.4
5.3 If a brake is used, it must be temporarily held off during this operation
by applying a 24V dc supply across the brake terminals.
5.4 Undo 4 screws (37) and pull back the enclosing cover (17) to give
access to the resolver. With the above test plug connected to the
feedback connector, link pins R1 to S3 & pins R2 to S2. Connect a
signal generator (approx 5V 6kHz) between pins R1 and R2. Connect
an AC voltmeter between pins S1 and R2.
5.5 At the power connector, link motor phase pins V and W and then
connect a low voltage dc supply to motor phases at power connector
pins U (+ve) and V+W (-ve). Adjust this voltage to give between 25%
and 100% of motor rated current thereby causing the motor to turn to a
preferred position.
5.6 Slacken the 3 screws (7) holding the resolver stator and then rotate it
until the voltmeter gives a maximum reading. Reconnect the AC
voltmeter to pins S4 and R2. Make a small final adjustment of the
resolver stator to get a minimum reading. Retighten the screws,
disconnect the test socket, the supplies, the voltmeter and links, let the
brake (if used) be re-applied.
5.7 Attach the protective shield (if fitted) to the resolver and fix the
enclosing cover (17) to the NDE cover in accordance with marks made
in operation 2.4.
6.1 Measure motor stator winding resistances U-V, V-W, W-U. These
must be equal to within 3%.
6.2 Check dielectric strength by flash test at 1000 Vac from:
a Phase U (power connector pin) U to motor body.
b Phase U to thermal sensor (feedback connector pins Thermal
Sensor + and Thermal Sensor -).
c Phase U to brake connections (power connector pins B+ & B-).
If flash test is not possible then check that insulation resistance is
greater than 1megaohm.
6.3 Check dielectric strength by flash test at 500Vac or with a 500Vdc
supply from motor body to:
d Brake connections (power connector pins B+ and B-)
e Thermal sensor (feedback connector pins Thermal Sensor + and
Thermal Sensor -)
f Resolver (feedback connector pins R2 and S1.
6.4 If flash test is not possible then check that insulation resistance is
greater than 1megaohm.
SEM Limited, Faraday Way, Orpington, Kent BR5 3QT England
Telephone: +44 (0)1689 884700
Fax: +44 (0) 1689 884884
E-mail: info@sem.co.uk
Internet http://www.sem.co.uk