
Some questions might have a point of view that leaves them
open to a wide range of speculation as to exactly what they
mean. That’s also par for the course. One player might
interpret the question one way while another might see it in
a whole different light. Just give your best answer and cross
your fi ngers. Remember, this game isn’t about right or wrong
answers; it’s about sharing embarrassing secrets in front of
sweethearts, friends, and strangers.
The number of questions asked in a game varies. Some games
ask more than others. Further, if there is a tie at the end of
regulation play, the game will be extended. In some games,
players will be eliminated as the game goes on.
Controlling the Handset
Answers are entered using the handset.
Depending on the game being played,
different rules govern the use of the
If you’re playing The Perfect
Couple, Find A Mate, or
Opposites Attract, have player 1
take the handset for question 1.
After he enters his own answer,
the other players tell him their
answers and he enters them into
the game. When question 2
appears, he passes the handset
to player 2. This process repeats
each turn with handset being
passed from player to player after
each question (not each
If you’re playing Dream
Date, give the handset to
the player selected as the
Dream Date. He will enter
his own answer and then ask the other players for theirs until
an answer has been entered for everyone. The Dream Date
keeps the handset for the entire game.
If you’re playing Know Your Mate, the handset will be passed
between the odd numbered players each turn. These players
will enter the answers for the couple they’re a part of. Thus,
when the fi rst question appears, player 1 enters his answer,
and then asks his partner (player 2) for an answer. After
entering his partner’s answer, he passes the handset to player
3. Player 3 repeats this process for himself and his partner
then passes the handset to player 5, and so on.
Results Screen
After The Perfect Mate,
has accumulated all the
information it needs to
determine the winning
couple, the Results Screen
will appear. Depending on
the game you were playing,
the information presented
here will vary a little bit.
If you where playing The
Perfect Couple
or Opposites
Attract, for example, the game will show the two players it thinks
are most (or least) compatible. If you’re playing Dream Date, you
already know who one of the winning couple will be, so the only
surprise is who has been paired up with him or her.
Automatic Power-Off
Your game is equipped with an automatic screen saver and
power-off feature. If you leave it alone, a screen saver will appear
to protect your TV screen. After a few more minutes, the game
will automatically turn itself off to conserve battery power.
Controlling the Handset
Answers are entered using the handset.
Depending on the game being played,
different rules govern the use of the
have player 1
take the handset for question 1.
After he enters his own answer,
the other players tell him their
answers and he enters them into
appears, he passes the handset
to player 2. This process repeats
each turn with handset being
passed from player to player after
Perfect Mate Manual Draft.indd 12-13 2005-06-21 2:43:59 PM