
Shape Shifting
By now you’ve figured out that the SFX-07 Tremolo can do classic trem
beautifully. But it can do more—a lot more. The key to many of the
SFX-07’s most unique effects lies in the Shape control. So what does
this knob do anyway? We’re glad you asked . . .
Most tremolos increase the volume over a certain period of time
(say, a quarter of a second) and then decrease the volume over the
same period of time. This gives a smooth, even feel to the tremolo
effect. When set to the middle of its range, the Shape control on
the SFX-07 Tremolo does exactly that.
But here’s where things get interesting. When the Shape control is
rotated away from its center position, the relationship between the
time spent increasing the volume and the time spent reducing the
volume changes. For example, instead of a quarter of a second of
volume increase followed by a quarter of a second of volume decrease
(for a total time of a half second for a full tremolo cycle), you can dial
in one-tenth of a second of volume increase followed by four-tenths of a
second of volume decrease, or vice-versa. This adds a very different feel
to the tremolo effect. From slightly skewed to one direction or another,
to an instant rise or fall time, the tremolo effect now offers more than
just a simple pulse. Plus, we found that with various vintage tremolo
devices, during the rise and fall, the actual tremolo function can pull
and sag voltage back and forth. The current draw and release can subtly
affect the audible rise and fall times, creating a waveform that isn’t
perfectly symmetrical. At extreme settings, with a fast swell and a slow
drop in volume, the effect is percussive and makes a clean guitar almost
sound like a piano. Conversely, with a slow swell and sudden drop,
your guitar tone sort of sounds like it’s being played backwards.
Because of its radical nature, this control may take a little getting used
to, but if you want to create tones that have never been heard before,
the Shape control will be your best friend. Here are some righteous
sample settings to get you out of your same-old same-old.