How to enter characters
You can enter letters with the numeric keys. Letters are marked above each of
numeric keys [2] through [9]. To enter a letter, press the appropriate key repeatedly
until the desired letter appears (the number of the key appears first, followed by
letters in the order marked above the key). The keys used for entering characters are
shown below.
The following characters can be entered with the numeric keys:
• To enter two characters in succession which require using the same key, press the
[ ] key ( ) once after entering the first character and then enter the second
• If you enter an incorrect character or number, follow these steps to correct the
1. Press the [ ] key ( ) or [ ] key ( ) to move the cursor to the character
immediately following the incorrect character.
2. Press the [CLEAR] key ( ).
The character in front of the cursor is deleted.
3. Enter the correct character.
The character is inserted in front of the cursor.
Characters that can be entered
key When entering e-mail address When entering search characters
1 11Space
2 abc2ABC ABC2abc
3 def3DEF DEF3def
4 gh i4GHI GHI4ghi
5 jkI5JKL JKL5jkl
6 mno6MNO MNO6mno
7 pqrs7PQRSPQRS7pqr s
8 tuv8TUV TUV8tuv
9 wxyz9WXYZWXYZ9wxyz
0 00
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