
Messages and Signals
Audible signals (AM-400 only)
FAX RX IN MEMORY A fax has been received in memory because the
toner cartridge needs replacement, you have run out
of paper, the paper is jammed, or paper is inserted in
the bypass tray. The fax will print out automatically
when the problem is fixed.
GRP. SPACE FULL This appears if you attempt to store a Group when
both Groups are already programmed.
LINE ERROR Transmission or reception was not successful. Press
the STOP key to clear the message and then try
again. If the error persists, see Line error on page
NO # STORED This appears if you attempt to search for a Speed Dial
number when none have been stored.
OFF HOOK This appears when an extension phone connected as
explained on page 19 is lifted. Only can be
pressed in fax mode when this message appears.
(alternating messages)
A fax has been received to memory because paper is
inserted in the bypass tray (faxes cannot be printed
while paper is in the bypass tray). Remove the paper
from the bypass tray to allow the fax to be printed.
TOTAL PAGE(S) 01 Number of fax pages transmitted or received.
Continuous tone 3 seconds Indicates the end of fax transmission or
Intermittent tone
(3 beeps)
5 seconds
(1 second on, 1
second off)
Indicates incomplete fax transmission
or reception.
Rapid intermittent
35 seconds
(0.7 seconds on,
0.3 seconds off)
Indicates that an extension phone
connected as explained on page 19 is
off hook.