SELECTING PRINTING FUNCTIONS Settings in the [Job Handling] tab (continued)
(2) Retention
[Hold Only]
This setting is used to prevent a print job from being
misplaced. When a print job is sent to the
computer, the machine will hold it in a Filing folder
without printing it. The user can initiate printing as
needed using the operation panel of the machine.
The job can also be deleted without printing it.
[Hold After Print]
This setting is used to hold a print job in a Filing
folder after it is printed. The file can be printed
again or deleted as needed.
[Sample Print]
This setting is used to prevent the occurrence of
excessive misprints when printing a large number
of copies. When this setting is selected and a print
job is sent to the machine, only the first set of
copies is printed and then the job is stored in a
Filing folder. After checking the first set of copies to
make sure that the margins, staple positions, and
other aspects of the job are satisfactory, the user
initiates printing from the operation panel of the
machine and the remaining sets are printed. (The
sample set is included in the total number of sets.)
If the sample set is not satisfactory, the job can be
[Pass Code] (5-digit number)
To require that a passcode be entered at the
operation panel of the machine to print a job stored
in a Filing folder, enter the passcode (5-digit
number) in [Pass Code].
• When a passcode is set in "Hold Only" mode
The passcode must be entered at the operation
panel of the machine to print the job.
• When a passcode is entered in "Hold After
Print" mode
After the initial printing, the passcode must be
entered at the operation panel of the machine to
print the job again.
• When a passcode is set in "Sample Print"
After printing the sample set, the passcode must
be entered at the operation panel of the machine
to print the remaining sets.
Default setting: Hold Only