
When Using Windows Terminal Service/
The following explains how to use Windows Terminal Service and MetaFrame.
Operating Environment
The following operating systems and MetaFrame versions are supported.
Windows Server 2003/2003 R2
MetaFrame XP 1.0 FR3
MetaFrame Presentation Server 3.0
Citrix Presentation Server 4.0
Supported Printer Drivers
When Windows Terminal Service is operating
PCL printer driver
PostScript 3
The following limitations apply to the Windows Terminal Service environment.
These limitations are built in Windows Terminal Service or MetaFrame.
MetaFrame's [Auto-creating client printers]
Using [Auto-creating client printers], you can select a logical printer created by copying the client's
local printer data to the MetaFrame server. We strongly recommend testing this function in your
network environment before using it for your work.
The settings for optional equipment will not be stored in the server after the equipment is
disconnected. The settings for optional equipment will be restored to its defaults each time the
client computer logs on to the server.
When printing a large number of bitmap images or using the server in a WAN environment
over dial-up lines such as ISDN, printing may not be possible or errors may occur, depending
on data transfer rates.
When using MetaFrame XP 1.0 or higher versions, we recommend making settings in [Client
Printer bandwidth] under [Citrix Management Console] according to the environment.
10. Appendix