SW-H1 No. 3 Reserved
Set to "0".
SW-H1 No. 4 Busy tone continuous sound detect time
Set detecting time busy tone continuous sound for 5 seconds or 10 sec-
SW-H1 No. 5 Busy tone detect continuation sound detect during
Used to detect the continuous tone of specific frequency during OGM
SW-H1 No. 6 Busy tone detect continuation sound detect during
Used to detect the continuous tone of specific frequency during ICM
SW-H1 No. 7 Busy tone detect intermittent sound detect during
Used to detect the intermitten tone of specific frequency during OGM
SW-H1 No. 8 Busy tone detect intermittent sound detect during
Used to detect the intermittent tone of specific frequency during ICM
SW-H2 No. 1, No. 2 Busy tone detection pulse number
Used to set detection of Busy tone intermittent sounds.
SW-H2 No. 3 Fax switching when A.M. full
If the answering machine’s memory (tape) is full and there is no re-
sponse, the machine automatically switches to Fax reception.
SW-H2 No. 4 Busy tone detect continuation sound detect frequency
Set detecting frequency of busy tone continuation sound for 320 ~ 570
Hz or 320 ~ 460 Hz.
SW-H2 No. 5 ~ No. 8 Reserved
Set to "0".
SW-I1 No. 1, No. 2 ICM recording time
Used to select the incoming message recording time among 15sec/
SW-I1 No. 3, No. 4 A.M. quiet time 1
Used to select four kinds of no sound time (2 sec ~ 5 sec) after reception
in the T. A. D mode until OGM is output.
2 – 15
SW-I2 No. 8 Alarm during two way recording
When set to “1”, alarm sound is given to remote side during two way
SW-I3 No. 1 Max OGM record time
Used to select the maximum OGM recording time (1 = 15 sec, 0 = 60
SW-I3 No. 2 Reserved
Set to “0”.
SW-I3 No. 3 Two way record function
If this switch is set to “1”, machine doesn’t work two way recording
SW-I3 No. 4 Toll saver
Used to turn on the toll saver function. If it is off, the reception frequency
in the AM mode is identical with that in the FAX mode.
SW-I3 No. 5, No. 6 Reserved
Set to “0”.
SW-I3 No. 7 BOX selection to record ICM
This switch is selection to digit of BOX selection code (DTMF code).
1-digit: Input of box number (1-3)
2-digit: Input of box number (01-03)
Note: In case of 1-digit, the DTMF code can be accepted for 4 seconds
from the beginning of ICM.
SW-I3 No. 8 Transfer dial recall
If this switch is set to “1”, machine disable redial in Transfer function.
SW-I4 No. 1 ~ No. 4 AGC maximum gain (Line)
The AGC Maximum Gain limits the gain applied by the AGC. Message
with average energy below the AGC Energy Reference Level will have
their average energy level increased by no more than the AGC Maximum
Gain. The AGC Maximum Gain should average energy of the message
with the lowest average energy to the AGC Energy Reference Level.
SW-I4 No. 5 ~ No. 8 AGC maximum gain (Mic)
The AGC Maximum Gain limits the gain applied by the AGC. Message
with average energy below the AGC Energy Reference Level will have
their average energy level increased by no more than the AGC Maximum
Gain. The AGC Maximum Gain should average energy of the message
with the lowest average energy to the AGC Energy Reference Level.
SW-I5 No. 1 ~ No. 4 AGC eref access code (Line)
(-0~-30dBm with 2dBm step)
The AGC Energy Reference Level controls the playback level. Any
message having average speech energy above the energy reference
level has its playback level attenuated, and any level has its playback
level increased. If the playback level is too high (low), then decreasing
(increasing) the AGC energy Reference level will achieve the desired
SW-I5 No. 5 ~ No. 8 AGC eref access code (Mic)
(-0~-30dBm with 2dBm step)
The AGC Energy Reference Level controls the playback level. Any
message having average speech energy above the energy reference
level has its playback level attenuated, and any level has its playback
level increased. If the playback level is too high (low), then decreasing
(increasing) the AGC energy Reference level will achieve the desired
SW-I1 No. 5, No. 6 A.M. quiet time 2
Used to select four kinds of no sound time (0 sec ~ 3 sec) after OGM
output the T. A. D mode until ICM recording is started.
SW-I1 No. 7 key input buzzer on/off switch (Two way recording
Used to turn ON/OFF key input buzzer in the TWO-WAY recording mode.
SW-I1 No. 8 Reserved
Set to “0”.
SW-I2 No. 1 ~ No. 5 A.M. quiet detect time
Used to set no sound time (0 sec - 32 sec) during the T. A. D. mode
SW-I2 No. 6, No. 7 Reserved
Set to “0”.
1 digit
2 digit
For 4 seconds from the beginning of ICM
OGM output ICM recording
2 sec~ 5 sec ( SW-I1No. 3, No. 4)
OGM output ICM recording
0 sec~3 sec (SW-I1 No. 5, No. 6)