Entering Your Name and Fax Number
1. Installation
Enter your name by pressing number
keys for each letter as shown in the
chart below. Up to 24 characters can
be entered.
Example: SHARP = 77777 444 22 7777 77
♦ To enter two letters in succession that require the same key, press
the SPEAKER key after entering the first letter.
(The SPEAKER key moves the cursor forward, and the HOLD/
SEARCH key moves the cursor backward.)
♦ To clear a mistake, press the SPEED DIAL key.
♦ To change case, press the REDIAL key.
♦ To enter one of the following symbols, press the # key or the * key
. / ! " # $ % & ’ ( ) + + , - : ; < = > ? @ [ ¥ ] ^ _ ' { | } → ←
A =
B =
C =
D =
E =
F =
G =
H =
I =
J =
K =
L =
M =
N =
O =
P =
Q =
R =
S =
T =
U =
V =
W =
X =
Y =
Z =
Cursor: A dark square mark in the display that indicates where a number or
letter will be entered.
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