Entering and Using Programs
6. Special
5 Select a Program Key by pressing any
Rapid Key that has not yet been
6 Enter a name for the program by pressing the letter entry keys (see Step
6 on page 26). (Maximum of 20 characters.)
If you don’t want to enter a name, go directly to Step 7.
7 Press .
8 If you want to include a timer setting, enter a two-digit number for the
hour (“01” to “12”) and a two-digit number for the minute (“00” to “59”).
(If not, go directly to Step 11.)
9 Press to select A.M. or to select P.M.
10 Press or to select the day on which you want the operation to
take place (if you want the operation to take place within the next 24
hours, select “WITHIN A DAY”.)
11 Press .
12 Press or to select one of the following operations and then
press .
Transmission (“SEND MODE”)
Broadcast (“I SEND MODE” if the network scanner option is installed
and a timer setting is not included)
Confidential transmission
Serial Polling
Batch transmission (only possible if a timer setting was made)
Memory Polling (only possible if a timer setting was not made; not
possible if the program is within a personal book)
Q / ! W / " E / # R / $ T / % Y / & U / ' I / ( O / ) P / =
A /
S D F G / { H / } J / [ K / ] L / +
Caps Lock
Z / < X / > C V B N / * M / ? @ .com
/ ^ / / \ ; / :
- . / , DEL
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39