Top register address
Enter top address of each special I/O module, which can be allocated up to 64 points per unit, at
file addresses 000000 to 017700
Ex.: Set a JW-2DA (8 data bytes and a top register address of 490000) installed in "slave station
number 01," "rack number 0," "slot number 2" and assigned as No. 1 (1st module) using the
76543210 0 0
Lower 2 di
its are alwa
s 00.
Bit contents of the parameter address
(8) etc.
4th digit 3rd digit
2nd digit
1st digit
5th digit
1: Enter top register address
0: Do not enter top register address
Slave station 01 Slave station 02 Slave station 03
Remote I/O
master station
Display the contents of
address 000600
After converting into
octal notation, write
station number 01
Write rack number 0 and slot number
2 at parameter address 000601
After converting it into decimal notation at parameter
address 000602
, write the number of bytes 8.
After converting the number into octal notation
at parameter address 000603
, write it at 300
Screen display of JW-13PG
00601 OCT 003
00602 OCT 010
>00603 OCT 300
11000000 00
3 0 0
0 0
Parameter address 000603
File address 10000(8) = Register address 49000