Thank you for purchasing the FL-net module (board) for use with the sharp programmable controller.
Please familiarize yourself with the module by reading this user's manual thoroughly.
Keep this manual handy. We are confident that this manual will be helpful whenever you face a problem.
In addition to this manual, the following manuals are available for your further study.
- JW-20FL5/20FLT FL-net user's manual (this manual)
- JW-50FL FL-net user's manual (this manual)
- Z-336J FL-net user's manual (this manual)
- JW20H/30H
Control module User's manual - hardware version
Programming manual
- JW50H/70H/100H User's manual - hardware version
Control module Programming manual
- J-board Z-300 series
CPU board Z-311J/312J user's manual - hardware version
Z-313J* user's manual - hardware version
- J-board Z-500 series
CPU board Z-511J*User's manual - hardware version
* Z-313J and Z-511J (CPU boards) are manufactured on request.
- Should you have any questions or inquires, please feel free to contact one of our dealers, or
our service department.
- Copying this manual in part of in total is prohibited.
- The contents of this manual may be revised without notice.
FL-net module
(Installed PC)
JW-50FL JW50H/70H/100H
FL-net board Z-336J J-board