Chapter 8: Cyclic Transfer
From the previous page
- The relationship between the PC model, the memory module that is installed, and file memory is as
JW50H/70H/100H address Top address set in FL-net cyclic transfer
Byte address
File address
Word unit: Octal Word unit: Hex.
File 1
000000, 000001 000000 0000
to to to
037776, 037777 017777 1FFF
to to to
177776, 177777 077777 7FFF
File 2
000000, 000001 000000 0000
to to to
177776, 177777 077777 7FFF
File 3
000000, 000001 000000 0000
to to to
177776, 177777 077777 7FFF
to to to to to
File 7
000000, 000001 000000 0000
to to to
177776, 177777 077777 7FFF
PC model Integrated memory module File memory
JW50H --- File 0, 1 (000000 to 037777)
JW-1MAH File 0, 1 (000000 to 037777)
JW-2MAH File 0, 1 (000000 to 177777)
JW-3MAH File 0, 1, 2
JW-4MAH File 1 to 7