Printing takes place
on the wrong side of
the paper.
Is the paper loaded with the print side
facing in the correct direction?
• Trays 1 to 4:
Load the paper with the front side facing up*.
• Bypass tray and tray 5:
Load the paper with the front side facing down*.
* When the paper type is "Pre-Printed" or "Letter Head",
load the paper in the opposite way. (Except when
"Disabling of Duplex" is enabled in the system settings
(administrator). For the current setting, check with your
A cover or insert is not
printed on the
specified paper.
Has the paper type been set correctly? If the paper type set for the cover or insert is not the
same as the paper type set for the tray, paper will be fed
from a different tray. Set the correct paper type for the
tray that contains the paper specified for the cover or
➞ System Settings > "Paper Tray Settings" > "Tray
Problem Point to check Solution
The connected USB
device cannot be
Is the USB device compatible with the
Ask your dealer if the device is compatible with the
Is the connected USB device
recognized correctly?
Use "USB-Device Check" in the system settings to
check whether or not the device can be recognized.
➞ System Settings > "USB-Device Check"
If it is not recognized, connect it once again.
The finisher / saddle
stitch finisher does
not operate.
Does a message appear indicating that
you need to remove paper from the
stapler compiler?
Remove all remaining paper from the stapler compiler.
Does the following message appear in
the touch panel?
"Call for service. Code:xx-xx* Please
check the power of the finisher."
*Letters and numbers appear in xx-xx.
Check the finisher / saddle stitch finisher and the power
plug. Remove and then firmly reinsert the power plug,
and restart the machine.
Have functions been disabled by the
Some functions may have been disabled in the system
settings (administrator). Check with your administrator.
Stapling does not take
place (including
pamphlet stapling).
Does a message appear instructing you
to check the staple unit?
Remove jammed staples.
Does a message appear instructing you
to add staples?
Replace the staple cartridge. Do not forget to replace
the staple case.
Is a different width of paper mixed in? Stapling is not possible when paper of different widths
are mixed together. To perform mixed size stapling, use
paper of the same width and select the [Same Width]
setting. When copying, select [Same Width] from [Mixed
Size Original] in the special modes.
Problem Point to check Solution