Robust, easy-to-use print drivers help
maximize document workflow efficiency
in any business environment
Exceptional Print Quality with Professional Output
With the MX-4100N/4101N/5001N, your business can produce brilliant, high quality color
documents, as well as razor-sharp B&W documents. Plus, with 1200 x 1200 dpi resolution,
even documents with fine detail will look great! Sharp’s easy-to-use print drivers allow users
to set up even complex jobs with just a few mouse clicks. Simple plug-n-play operation
makes it easy to take advantage of advanced feature sets in a snap. Special functions like Tab
Paper Print, Chapter Inserts and Carbon Copy Print allow you to quickly produce a variety of
document types.
The optional Postscript driver delivers extensive color control options, so you can manage
color consistency right from your desktop. Combine all this with powerful finishing features
that include three-position stapling for up to 50 sheets, saddle stitch finishing for up to 15
ledger size pages and three-hole punching.* Now you can produce professional quality
documents from your desktop that look so good, everyone will think you had them sent out
to a printer.
Advanced Job Retention Features Enhance Productivity
Sharp’s innovative printing system makes it easy for any business to store and archive
print jobs. With the ability to retain jobs on the MX hard drive, documents can be stored
and reprinted again and again by walk-up users or through the embedded web page.
Print jobs can even be sent to the MX for archiving without printing them! Need to store
sensitive documents? No problem, users can assign a password right from the print driver
or from the MX operation panel!
Professional color results without the hassle!
Get the color results as original design was intended with Pantone Licensing.
The CMYK toner values have been precisely measured and calibrated bythe color
analysts atPantoneto ensure thatthebest reproduction of thePANTONE MATCHING
SYSTEM® is achieved with the MX-4100N, MX-4101N, and MX-5001N MFPs.
WithSharp’sadvancedjobhandlingfeatures,users can
easilyretain printjobs onthe MXharddrive forreprinting
ata laterdate.