Energy Save
The Energy Save settings help reduce power costs. From an environmental perspective, these settings also help reduce
pollution and conserve natural resources. Touch the [Energy Save] key to configure the settings.
Toner Save Mode
You can reduce the amount of toner used for printing.
Auto Power Shut-Off
This setting enables or disables Auto Power Shut-Off.
Remove the checkmark if you prefer that Auto Power
Shut-Off does not operate.
When the set duration of time elapses after printing ends,
Auto Power Shut-Off activates and causes to machine to
go on standby at a minimal level of power consumption.
This function reduces your power costs, and at the same
time helps conserve natural resources and reduce pollution.
It is recommended that you understand the objective behind
the energy save functions and instead of using the machine in
the state where the Auto Power Shut-Off function is disabled,
adjust the settings such that the time till Auto Power Shut-Off
is enabled is a little longer or set a time zone for Auto Power
Shut-Off. (Settings that depend on the usage conditions, such
as the time till Auto Power Shut-Off is enabled can be
configured in the following "Auto Power Shut-Off Timer".)
Transitioning to Auto Power
Shut-Off Immediately After
Completion of Remote Job
When in Auto Power Shut-Off state, the machine
transitions immediately into Auto Power Shut-Off mode
after printing from a personal computer or after
outputting received fax data.
Auto Power Shut-Off Timer
Settings that depend on the usage conditions, such as
the time till Auto Power Shut-Off is enabled or the time
zone for Auto Power Shut-Off can be configured. In case
of "Fix transition time", it can be set to "Earliest" or within
a range of 1 to 240 minutes.
When "As soon as the remote job is finished, enter Auto power
shut off mode" is enabled, Auto Power Shut-Off happens in a
short while after the print job or fax reception is complete.
In case of settings that depend on the usage conditions,
select "Change transition time by time of day".
As per the default settings, the time zone is set
automatically depending on the application conditions of
the machine. When it is to be selected manually, you can
select from the following.
• All Day "Energy Save Priority2": To be set when you
want Auto Power Shut-Off to be enabled in minimum
time in any time zone.
• 8:00-18:00 "Energy Save Priority1": To be set when
this machine is to be used more frequently in this time
zone than other time zones.
• 8:00-18:00 "Job Start Priority1": To be set when the
frequency of use of this machine in this time zone is
significantly more.
Settings edited to match the usage conditions, combining
the three patterns given above can also be selected.
Change transition time by time of
By analyzing the usage of the machine from the job log
over four weeks, you can manage transitions into Auto
Power-Off mode according to time blocks. Enabling this
feature disables "Fix transition time".
[Print] in Toner Save Mode is only effective when the
machine's printer driver is not used. When the printer
driver is used, the printer driver setting takes precedence.
This function may not operate in some applications
and operating systems.
• [Copy] in Toner Save Mode is not available in
United Kingdom.
Print example
when "Toner
Save Mode"
is enabled
• Fusing control is not changed.
• This feature does not work in tandem with power
On/Off scheduling. If both are enabled, the power
On/Off scheduling setting will take precedence.
• Paper count is calculated by paper size.
• Any period during which the machine's power is off,
is considered the same as when there were no jobs.