
pressing its key again. However, only one
application at a time can ever be displayed.
Selecting the Display Modes
Once an application is open, you can switch
between three basic display modes: Index, View
and Edit. Each display mode has its own unique
appearance and particular purpose. Index mode
is normally the default view when an application
is opened, and provides a summary of the
individual entries that have been created.
Pressing [ENTER] after selecting a particular
entry causes the entry to be displayed in View
mode, which shows the full details of the entry.
During View mode, the word VIEW appears at the
top of the screen, and no entry details may be
Pressing [EDIT], either when an entry is
displayed in View mode or is selected in Index
Mode, causes the entry to be displayed in Edit
mode. The entry’s details can then be altered
as desired. During Edit mode, the word EDIT
appears at the top of the screen. Edit mode is
also used when an entry is being created (by
pressing [NEW]).
* The Calc (except Conversion function) and
Clock applications do not have Index, View
or Edit modes.
Index mode
Index mode shows you a one line view of each
entry within the application. This allows you
to easily find a particular entry, which you
can then display in full (View mode) by pressing
Other operations:
[NEW] Creates a new entry for the current
application (in Edit mode).
[EDIT] Displays the currently selected
entry and edits it (Edit mode).